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By Laws

4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry Descendants Association

For all legal transactions, financial accounting, correspondence, and other operations, this association is known as the 4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry Descendants Association (hereafter called the Association), a non profit organization.

Article 1 - Purpose

The purposes of the Association are as follows:

1.1 To promote the memory of the members of the 4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry who honorably served their country during the American Civil War 1861-1865.

1.2 To plan, schedule, and conduct a reunion for all descendants, spouses, families, and friends at intervals as prescribed by the by-laws pertaining to reunions.

1.3 To provide a medium for researching and preserving the memories of those who served in the 4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry.

Article 2 – Members

2.1 All persons interested in the objects and purposes of the Association shall be eligible for membership. The Association shall have the following classes of membership: Associate Membership and Honorary Membership.

2.2 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Associate Membership shall be automatic upon payment of the dues in accordance with the adopted dues schedule, and shall be terminated upon non-payment of said dues. Each Associate Member shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted to a vote.

2.3 HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. Honorary Membership may be awarded as recommended by any member with the approval of the Board of Officers. They shall not be subject to the requirements of dues. Honorary Members will not have the right to cast a vote in the Association business and shall not be eligible to hold office.

2.4 A meeting of the membership will take place at the reunion. Other meetings will be held as called by the President of the Association. All meetings shall be open and may be attended by non-members who may participate in discussions but may not vote.

2.5 The number of members physically present at the meeting shall constitute a Quorum.

Article 3 – Board of Officers

The Board of Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall serve without compensation. A quorum of at least three (3) Board members shall be required for the Board to conduct business. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Associate Members present at the meeting for the terms prescribed herein. Elections shall be conducted by open ballot by the voting members of the Association.


3.1.1 PRESIDENT. Shall call meetings of the Board and membership as deemed necessary for the good of the Association, chair all Board meetings, call for financial reports, keep the membership advised of all items of interest or affecting the Association, continue to broaden interest, enhance membership and attendance with the Association and preside over all Association meetings.

3.1.2 VICE-PRESIDENT. Shall advise the President of any matters of interest to the Association and on any matters requiring action by the Board of Officers. Function in the place of the President in that officer's absence.

3.1.3 SECRETARY. Shall maintain an up to date list of the membership. The membership list will contain any information deemed pertinent to accomplishing its objectives. Prepare replies to all correspondence from the membership and general public. Take minutes of all official meetings.

3.1.4 TREASURER. Shall establish & maintain the Association’s financial transactions. Ensure that all money is collected and duly recorded. Establish a checking account under the name of the Association. Provide yearly balance statement at the reunion for review and approval of the Associate Members

3.1.5 TERMS OF OFFICE AND ELECTIONS. Officers' terms shall be three (3) years or three (3) years plus the time till the next reunion meeting.

1.       Elections are to be held at the respective reunion. Elected officers may succeed themselves and there is no limit to the number of terms an officer may serve.

2.       The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person.

3.       Any officer may resign by filing a written request with the Secretary.

4.       Any officer may be removed upon the majority vote of the membership at the reunion.

5.       Vacancies in the office of any Board member may be filled by the Board until the next meeting.

Article 4 - Finances

4.1 DUES. Association dues shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00) for single membership and Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for family membership.

4.1.1 Family membership shall consist of those living in the same household.

4.1.2 There is no limit on the number of family members that may be included.

4.1.3 The membership year shall commence at the beginning of the calendar year and shall continue until the end of the calendar year.

4.1.4 There is to be maintained a minimum balance of $200 in the bank

account unless authorized by the Board for special circumstances.

4.1.5 A fund raiser initiated by an Association member on behalf of the

Association shall be funded by that member. When the member's

receipts exceed expenses, the excess receipts shall be donated to the


4.1.6 A separate fund shall be established for the restoration of the original

4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry flag.

Article 5 – Reunions

Reunions for the Association members will be held in accordance with articles 1.2 and 2.4. The location of each reunion will be at the discretion of the Board of Officers, or a reunion committee appointed by the Board.

Article 6 – Liability

The Association assumes no liability for any deed, action or accident by any member of the Association either in the performance of any official duty or in connection with any activity related to the Association membership

Article 7 – Contracts, Deposits, Gifts

7.1 CONTRACTS. The Board may authorize any Associate Member to enter

into or execute any contract related to the Association. Such authority

may be general or confined to specific instances.

7.2 DEPOSITS. All funds of the Association shall be deposited in such

banks, trust funds or other depositories as the Board designates.

7.3 GIFTS. The Board may accept on behalf of the Association any

contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purpose or for any

special purpose of the Association.

Article 8 – Amendments to the By-Laws

These By-Laws may be amended by the Association at any reunion by vote of the majority of the Associate Members present.

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